Well there was annory one to this post but the colors didn't come out right so I toke in off I tried saving it as a different file name but it still didn't work ooo well. you will jst have to live with just this one.
hey, I think the snowman and the elephants looked more professional than this one- I think the textures and patterns compliment your drawings and that may be the reason for my preference. Nice to see new things!
I don't really agree with Duncan 100%. The snowman one is more along the lines of a greeting card...the bears, which BTW I like, are more along the lines of a childerens book. I like both the snowman and this one. I am not really sure why but I like it...maybe if you were to put somthing else in the pic that would relate to the story that's there. I see a father with his younger son out telling stories at night....I don't know maybe you guys see somthing else.....What if the shooting star was shooting downward instead of upward?....all in all I like it keep it up Katie. Nice work you are improving and you seem to be learning with each peice you do KUDOS to you!
Out of the three I like the Elephants the best! the bears are good, but it looks like they're on a flying carpet. If there was a slight shadow under it, or just a darker line or something, that would make it more complete in my eyes.
The sky seems a touch off to me. With the way you handled the brushwork in the sky, it lends itself to clouds but the markmaking sits behind the stars. Play around with it a bit (your brushwork that is), you might surprise yourself. :)
hey, I think the snowman and the elephants looked more professional than this one- I think the textures and patterns compliment your drawings and that may be the reason for my preference. Nice to see new things!
oh, and my e-mail's all messed up, so I'll call you tomorrow! :-)
I don't really agree with Duncan 100%. The snowman one is more along the lines of a greeting card...the bears, which BTW I like, are more along the lines of a childerens book. I like both the snowman and this one. I am not really sure why but I like it...maybe if you were to put somthing else in the pic that would relate to the story that's there. I see a father with his younger son out telling stories at night....I don't know maybe you guys see somthing else.....What if the shooting star was shooting downward instead of upward?....all in all I like it keep it up Katie. Nice work you are improving and you seem to be learning with each peice you do KUDOS to you!
Out of the three I like the Elephants the best! the bears are good, but it looks like they're on a flying carpet. If there was a slight shadow under it, or just a darker line or something, that would make it more complete in my eyes.
The sky seems a touch off to me. With the way you handled the brushwork in the sky, it lends itself to clouds but the markmaking sits behind the stars. Play around with it a bit (your brushwork that is), you might surprise yourself. :)
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