Saturday, January 06, 2007

So far what I have done.

Well This are some steckes that I have done for a children's book illustration job that I just started working on. Duncan asked to post what I do for the book. Plus also it might be nice to hear what people think.

well I guess I should tell you a little bit about what happening on the book so it makes some scence on what the hell I am drawing. Well the two of sketches are of the main kid goofing off and tell you things that he rather be doing instead on home work. The other drawing I posted is of the kid at school realizing he didn't do his homework it is just competly blank. Also that he a little scowed because because he has to talk about his granpa nationality and he doesn't know even what that means. OO just to let you know the kid is 10 so they are like in 3 grade maybe 4 grade.


Jeremy Schramm said...

Nice Katie. I like the middle one where they are in the class room the best, so I have some crit for ya. I like the perspective on the desks but the wall(windows) and the floor bother me. Try playing with that a little more. Also the girl in front... her thumb is a bit stumpy, thats real nit-picky I know, but it sticks out to me. Real good though, can't wait to see these finished!

Jason Williams said...

Jeremy is totally right, you nailed the perspective on the desks but the windows are a bit off. I think more of a regular trapezoid shape, where the top tapers down just like how the bottom of the window tapers up.

Also, beef that football up! That kid should be much smaller in comparison to it. :)

Duncan Barton said...

hey katie, congrats on the book and I hope it turns out well. Keep us updated with some finals, ok?