Monday, June 11, 2007

Sketchin the night away

Sorry, its been awhile. Here are some sketches, mostly from cafes with Duncan and Craigers.

1 comment:

Jason Williams said...

The one thing that stands out to me as I look at this is how you handle hatching for shading/modeling. It IS depicting lights and darks to some extent, but it could be doing so much more for you, like depicting form. Check out Vilppu, the man himself.

I know you're using pen so execution is a bit different, but the overarching principles are the same. Use your lines, curved or straight as necessary, to help depict the form in three dimensions. And just like Duncan, I'd really like to see you tackle the figure using implied line and tone, instead of relying on outline. You can do it man, I have faith in ya!