Saturday, January 12, 2008


Yo it me. My dad asked me to make a logo for him which haha anyone who know me I have no idea what I am doing when it come to text. but this it was I came up with so far.


Duncan Barton said...

Hey Katie, looking good. When doing logos I like seeing the "thought trail" you can make in Illustrator... try doing one in just black and white... sometimes it can help the design lots. tah tah~!

Josh said...

Hey Katie,
I agree with Duncan here, I like where this seems to be going but I'd like to see a though trail and maybe some other layouts for it too. There looks to be only one, maybe two, layouts here....give me at least 10 different ways to lay it out. Also watch the spacing between the letters, There are some pretty big gaps there and some letters touching which isn't that bad just watch it. Keep it up.

Katie Brooks said...

Thank you for the surrestions it helpful. I will try throughs out a see how things work out with them.