Sunday, July 27, 2008

Painting @ the house

Jeremy and I are living together again for a month and we decided to re-arrange the house for producing as much art as we can before we move out.


Jeremy Schramm said...

Duncan how come you photographed yours better than mine???


Duncan Barton said...

I didn't shoot it... it was small enough to scan. You can edit the post and adjust it in photoshop if you want...

Jeremy Schramm said...

UGH!!! GOSH GEE WILLY AND SUCH!! eh I find it best to shoot outside in daylight, I'll do it later.

Josh said...

DON'T SHOOT your art, jeremy...what did it do to you!...Man when I come down there we gotta make some art.

Katie Brooks said...

I say destroy it all. :-P Haha