Monday, February 23, 2009

New theme piece

like last month my work is giving us art themes. This month this Is V-Day good or bad.


Duncan Barton said...

Hey katie, is this vector art? I like the drawing and the shapes. One critique: I thnk the values in the faces / flesh tones is too close to the pink background. I'd like to see you darken the pink and the facial features.

Katie Brooks said...

Thank for the critique I will work on that for some odd reason the Jpeg color is off the the real file I I am not sure why yet. but I can see how the flesh can blend in to the background too much.

Josh said...

Hey Katie,
One trick to help see values is to save a copy and convert your copy to a gray scale image. This should help you see any problem areas.

Katie Brooks said...

That is a really good idea Josh. I think I will try that.