Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oil Painting (under painting) NEW

Here we go again...Im trying another portrait. So far it's going ok...not sure where im at with it at this point. But I do have some plans for it. Stay tuned for updates for it.


Duncan Barton said...

Hey Josh, I'm liking all the new work, especially the sketchbook pages. I like seeing the progressions of the paintings too- How big are these? One thing I'd like to see in your next portrait is more color changes in the flesh tones. Keep up the good work!

Jeremy Schramm said...

JOSH! Nice to see you painting! I agree with Duncan about the color, try pushing your color a bit more, as well as contrast, but looking good!

Josh said...

Hey guys,
Thanks for the info.
Dunc. the paintings are a little larger than 8 1/2 x 11 and I will add more colors in my flesh tones

Jeremy Thanks for your comments too I will work on the contrast and colors.

also (just so's you's know's) I haven't laid out a full palette yet....but my next painting will have a full palette so hopefully the colors will be better as well as the contrast. ;)

Thanks again for your crit's!