Monday, July 13, 2009

Eli & Amos Circumnavigate the Globe

I wrote a bit about this here, but I'll drop some technical specifics on your asses here. I'm like the anti-Duncan: he just let's the work speak for itself. :P

I rarely ever use the same process from one illustration to the next. This was done in Photoshop alone, my only brush being the hard-edged airbrush. Most shapes are on their own layers, with their textures on unique layers as well, masked by the shape layers. So... lots of layers. I wouldn't do it this way again. Vector paths are far more versatile and would have actually saved time here, and most viewers won't be able to tell that each element has its own texture.


Duncan Barton said...

Wow, I didn't realize that was how this was done. It's interesting how a different process gave you indistinguishable results from your vector work. So what's next?

Jeremy Schramm said...

Nice changes! but the shadow on the balloon kinda bugs me. i like it there but it cuts off so sharply, and i think the only reason i notice it is because its such a huge line.

thats the only thing man, i think the rest of it is brilliant!

Katie Brooks said...

How many layers would you say you ended up with?

Jason Williams said...

@Duncan: 20,000 Leagues! eventually. I'm scatter-shot right now, doing all sorts of stuff.

@Katie: I just counted, about 110 layers total. Would be more if I hadn't screwed up early on by flattening the green-blue sky. :/