Sunday, September 30, 2007

Painting Jamaican!

OK so, I'm still alive/painting. This portrait is of a kid in Jamaica who lives at the Salvation Army's children home called the nest. I'm going to scan it once it dries. I'll also rename it to his name once I remember/ask someone at work.

"Jamaican" Oil on Canvas, 16x12

I'll get around to commenting on everyones posts and change the theme later tonight, or tomorrow. Have a great day!


| andrus | said...

nice painting man! It has a cool vibe about it. Keep these coming along! HHOOOTTT LAAAAVVVAAAAAAAAAAAA

Bill Ferguson said...

This looks great. I like the putty knife texture underneath if that is knife work. Your style is coming along.

Duncan Barton said...

nice jeremy! I'm looking forward to your show on saturday- SAY IT WITH ME: SHAKE THE FOUNDATIONS AND BUILD THE REST!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!!