Tuesday, September 11, 2007

To the "unexpected idea"!!

I am guessing that you guys have no clue to what I'm doing or I'll be doing. So let me explain:
At first, my idea was to have two ladies, one looking all nice - aristocrat - look, wearing a luxury dress, fanning herself away. Second lady would be dealing with dark magic type kind of thing (I know cheesy cliche), with smokey figured skull coming out from her hand, wearing nice little black renaissance dress type. .. Yea.. But then my idea from that completely changed to something else much more fun. There is a theme going on to it too. I'll be doing the 4 elements (yes cliche stuff again) with a fan - accessory - in each elements. :D But I won't discribe how it's going to incorporate with the figures. So Hah! You can image that yourself, cause it's more fun that way. XD Oh and.. the background is going to be awesome too... if it comes out right!

P.S. I love how Jason leaves such long ass comments to most works and leaving a second comments after the first. :D

1 comment:

Duncan Barton said...

hey jeab- i like the start and I'm glad it's going to be part of a larger piece. I want to see a thumbnail or something! Will you post one?