Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I think I am done with this one


Jeremy Schramm said...

Katie, this is looking nice in color! The thing that jumps at me first though it that back wall, it looks bare... its probably just fine because the text will go there ... I forgot about that... never mind then

Katie Brooks said...

hehe yup thats where the text it supost to go I guess I should put that it next time. :-)

Jason Williams said...

This looks good Katie. Like jeremy said, the color is rather nice with this one. I especially like that little dinosaur chilling out next to the kid. :)

On a side note, does anyone know why the time stamp on posts now look so stupid? The date being included with the time is nice, but why did they have to split the # of comments and the word "comments" on to 2 separate lines? If they're gonna do that, they should at least put the date on time on two separate lines so it doesn't look so awkward...

Duncan Barton said...

looking good katie- one question: when you colored this, did you color the line art layer in photoshop or did you color a layer below it? the reason I ask is because I see slight white outlines around your line-art where the color should really be filling in all the way...

Katie Brooks said...

It was done all I illustrator The Line work was on one layer and the coloring was done on another. I don't know why it doing that because I colors a under the line and shouldn't be showing any white parts hmmm I'll have to go back in to it to see why it doing that becayse I am pretty sure that I got all the so that there is not white showings.