Saturday, September 06, 2008

Vampire Protection

"Vampire Protection" 8 X 8, Oil on Canvas

HAHAHA I love my name for this one! I hate naming things by the way, so I don't really take it seriously or I just name it what it is.

Any whoo, here's some garlic! I'll be starting my daily paintings tomorrow, I've set up shop in my sisters walk-in closet! Its freaking huge!! I'll take some pictures and put them up.


Katie Brooks said...

I like the name it better then just calling it garlic painting. VAMPIRE PROTECTION sounds more fun.

Jason Williams said...

I'd like to see you tighten these up a bit - the garlic looks a bit "soft" at the top. I think your painting style works great for this series you're doing, especially the body of the garlic here, now let's see it a bit more refined in places! Nice colors, too, by the way.