Saturday, December 02, 2006

Charlie Tuna

Well here is another addition to the "Themed" Sketch...It's the wonderful Charlie Tuna....I did another one where he's in a Chicken suit, since he is the Chicken of the sea...I still have a few things to fix on that one before I post it...maybe later on tonight. I am planning on coloring this one in Photoshop too...maybe that'll happen later on tonight too. Oy big plans I have BIG PLANS. BTW this is a pen an ink on copy paper.


Jeremy Schramm said...

sweet Josh, lookin real good. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the color and the chicken suit! I'm debating what I want to do with my California Raisins, maybe acrylic?

Josh said...

Thanks Jeremy...I am coloring as we type. The chicken suit will most likely be after I scanned it in there were a few things that I missed and want to fix first.

Katie Brooks said...

you on a roll with the theme I have an idea I just need to draw in out.

Duncan Barton said...

cool man... I want to see him dueling the twinkie kid, though. ;-)