Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holy Mother of Ink Batman!

these first two arent even from waiting in the airport, these are from bordem and the lack of people in the laundry matt. I started getting really bored. I mean just look at this sillyness!
Ok here starts the amazingness of airport bordem. I got there really early cause I didnt want Duncan to have to pay to park his car at the airport and there was no point in droping him off and going back home only to have to leave to the airport myself.
Umm, actually I think I'll be like Jason and post more airport bordem tomorrow after a few others have posted. Dont want to saturate the market with myself!


Jason Williams said...

I like how random these get. You should draw while bored more often, hehehe

The dude in the first page has a big schnoz, bigger than mine! That's pretty hard to imagine. I like the exaggeration you got going on a fair bit of the stuff on these pages. Just make more use of the white pencil, go for lighting differences not value.

Katie Brooks said...

you look like you did a lot of sketches will in the airport. Keep it up drawing when you are bord can be intersting on what you come up with.

Duncan Barton said...

I'm glad you spent your time well- but get this: my flight got delayed. By half and hour (which isn't bad,) but as time went on they kept delaying again and again and again in 15 minute intervals until the crew came off the plane and went to the bar. Bad sign. My flight got canceled and it wasn't until 10:30 that they put us on another flight! When I got to kim's, I opened the bag that I had checked and found that the christmas presents that I had bought were all stolen. :-(

Jeremy Schramm said...

Thanks Jason. I was a bit worried cause I really dont doodle that offten, usually have massive amounts of reference to draw from. So now I'm trying to get better at that.

Holy cow Duncan. Thats insane! I'll be calling you to find out when your supposed to fly in, hopefully things go smoothly.